Thursday, August 27, 2009

Carbon Footprint Offsetting - What's It All About?

image via the Carbon Catablog

By now, it is generally known that each of us contributes to global warming and the degradation of our environment by our “carbon footprint.” And many of us know that some companies and governments offset that impact by purchasing credits. What a lot of us don’t know is how that works.

Does purchasing an offset actually cancel out pollution?

Well, it doesn’t reduce the pollution that is generated. What carbon offsetting aims to do is compensate for emissions by funding a savings somewhere else. For example, trees naturally capture and remove CO2 from the air. So as a carbon emissions offset, a company might invest in a program to plant more trees and reduce the effects of the emissions from its manufacturing plants.

Does this work?

It’s a subject still under discussion. There have been accusations that carbon offsetting is a type of modern “indulgence” selling. And there have been some questionable ethics related to some types of offsetting, particularly tree planting. Trees don’t reach maturity overnight, yet some offset retailers will sell the expected savings before the trees are able to do the job (known as forward-selling). Because of some of these practices, some critics have become suspicious of offset programs. Yet, others still see value in offsetting, but are taking steps towards accountability: setting standards, baselines and measurements, determining how permanent a carbon reduction might be and verification of the offset. The UK are leaders in this area of accountability, with companies like British Airways lining up to be certified under the new rules.

What about offsets for web-based companies?

Yes, even internet companies have carbon footprints, just by virtue of the computer equipment and hosting services they use. But even here it’s possible to fund carbon emission reductions through an offset. One method is by using hosting services that employ green technology. Another is to actually purchase offsets and affiliating with non-profits like who support wind and solar projects. Both of these methods are used by ZoomPool.

Of course, the best option is work towards not having to have carbon offset schemes. By living and working greener and encouraging the development of greener technologies, we may improve the health of our planet and all enjoy the benefits. In the meantime, doing what you can is always a good choice. And as you might guess, we think ridesharing is one of those choices. Choose ZoomPool for ridesharing – we use social media and certification to filter out the “creep” factor so you can feel even better about carpooling. Carpool to your next event and you may make a lifelong friend or business associate!

1 comment:

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