Subaru Hybrid Tourer (Concept)
I love cars.
Given that their overuse and carbon footprints make most of them environment unfriendly, you would think that I would have more distain than appreciation for them, but many autos are works of art – the marriage of design to functionality make them a pleasure to view and drive or ride in. Plus, I live in California, where public transportation is only beginning to catch on. But being conscious of their impact on both our present and future health, as well as the co-founder of a social rideshare company, it’s really heartening to see the number of more fuel-efficient, new fuel, or hybrid fuel cars that are making their debut.
At this year’s Los Angeles Auto Show there are 49 of these more environmentally-friendly transportation options and only four are concepts – 45 options available in the marketplace now or soon.
In this blog, we’ve talked about some of the alternative fuels, and if you’ve read those posts, you won’t be surprised that most of the offerings at the LA show are either “fuel-sippers” or hybrids. But there are a few electric cars and fuel cells sprinkled in. Granted that 49 isn’t a huge number out of the many vehicles that will be on display, but it’s a market that’s growing and since, for many of us this is a season of Hope, we may just have to take it on faith that the market will eventually grow to be so dominant that “alternative fuel” cars won’t even rate as a distinct attraction.
In January, the Pew Research Center found that the environment had slipped significantly as a priority for many Americans, but that doesn’t mean the environment will just maintain its equilibrium until attention comes back to it. So we have to continue to take the opportunity to educate, to enlighten and to make reducing your carbon footprint an individual priority, even if it’s not a national priority. Which is the reason ZoomPool exists – and if it’s fun, maybe people will do it more often. Responsible car ownership, responsible driving, and responsible riding. It will make a difference.
For a more in-depth view of the alternative fuel cars and hybrids being shown in Los Angeles, check out The Daily Green
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